Lawyer Khuchiev Islam Ruslanovich

The Bar Association "Grozny and Partners"
Khuchiev Islam Ruslanovich

Khuchiev Islam Ruslanovich

Basic information

  • Specialization: Criminal defense lawyer
  • City: Fearsome
  • Phone: +7(958)111-0543 ext 703

Khuchiev Islam Ruslanovich

Personal data .

Date of birth: January 20, 1990

Work experience.

has been practicing law since 2013:

2013 – trainee lawyer;
2014 – assigned the status of a lawyer;
2015– joined the Regional Branch of the All-Russian public organization «Association of Lawyers of Russia» in the Chechen Republic;
2018 – Deputy Executive Director of the Regional Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization«Association of Lawyers of Russia» in the Chechen Republic;
2019 – chairman of the Council of Young Lawyers of the Chechen Republic;
2021 – Deputy Chairman of the Union of Young Lawyers of Russia.


2019 certificate of merit of the Chamber of Advocates of the Chechen Republic for professional skills in protecting the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of principals, long and impeccable work, a great personal contribution to the provision of highly qualified legal assistance to the population.

2019 certificate of honor of the Association of Lawyers of Russia for conscientious work, high professionalism and active participation in the process of formation and development of the legal community in the Chechen Republic.

2019 –thanks to P of the regional branch of the All-Russian public organization «Association of Lawyers of Russia» in the Chechen Republic for a significant contribution to the development of the Association, as well as in connection with the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation.

2021 – diploma Regional Branch of the All-Russian public Organization "Association of Lawyers of Russia" in the Chechen Republic for conscientious work, professionalism and active participation in the All-Russian Days of free legal aid, as well as with Constitution Day of the Russian Federation.






1. In 2007 he graduated from secondary school No. 20.Grozny.
2. In 2013 he graduated from the Russian Legal Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation:
Specialty: Law.
3. In 2018 , he graduated from the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation:
Master's degree: 38.04.04 - State and municipal administration.

Computer ownership.

A confident user of MS Word (blind ten-finger shorthand) and Adobe Photoshop.

Language proficiency.

Chechen and Russian are high level.

Additional information


Passed advanced training for lawyers:

1. Participation of a lawyer in proving criminal cases. Part 1;
2. Participation of a lawyer in proving criminal cases. Part 2;
3. The work of a lawyer in court with the participation of a jury;
4. Grounds for cancellation or modification of a court decision in the appeal, cassation and supervisory procedure;
5. The activity of the lawyer at the preliminary investigation;
6. Training «Participation of the defender in the appeal of sentences (Part 1)»;
7. Training «Participation of the defender in the appeal of sentences (Part 2)»;
8. Current issues of administrative responsibility (Terms in administrative responsibility);
9. Lawyer's activity in civil proceedings (Evidence and proof in civil proceedings);
10. Lawyer's activity in civil proceedings. Appeal and cassation appeal;
11. Forensic examination at the present stage;
12. Features of appointment and production of video and sound recording expertise in the SEU of the Ministry of Justice of Russia;
13. Modern possibilities of linguistic expertise;
14. Modern notary practice in the field of providing evidence;
15. Problems of admissibility of evidence in criminal proceedings;
16. Features of cross-examination.

Participation in cases

Specializes in participation in criminal proceedings.Some cases from practice:

Complete termination of criminal prosecution - accused of committing a crime under Part 4 of Article 159.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, at the stage of preliminary investigation, which lasted up to one and a half years;
Complete termination at the stage of preliminary investigation, which lasted up to 1 year, of a criminal case initiated on the grounds of a crime under Part 2 of Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, without changing the status of the principal from the witness;
Reclassification of the crime provided for in Part 2 of Article 208 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation to the old version of the criminal Law by way of appeal, that is, to a less serious category of crime. Thus, the court of appeal reduced the sentence imposed from 6 years of imprisonment - with serving in a high-security colony, for up to 3 years of imprisonment - with serving in a correctional colony of general regime;
Retraining of the crime provided for in Part 4 of Article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (intentional infliction of serious harm to health, resulting in the death of the victim by negligence,provides for up to 15 years imprisonment), on part 1 of Article 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (causing death by negligence – provides for a period up to 2-x yearsdeprivation of liberty), with subsequent release from custody in the courtroom - with the offset of time served before the entry into force of the court order in the terms of correctional labor. Further, full exemption from this criminal punishment and the removal of a criminal record - on the basis of the resolution of the State Duma of 24.04.2015 No. 6576-6. 
Satisfied: the petition for the parole of the convicted person; the application for the transfer of the convicted person to the place of residence of a close relative.
Participation in civil affairs:
Disputes about children, division of property and alimony payments;
On the establishment of a fact of legal significance; 
About reinstatement at work, including on the employer's side
About lifting restrictions in the form of a ban on registration      
actions in relation to the vehicle;
About removing obstacles in the use of property; 
About the enforcement of the contract. 
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